
Valmadge T. Towner (Val)是Coahoma社区学院的第五任校长 科荷马大学早期高中第九任校长. 他曾担任过总统 2013年7月起担任总监.

He assumed leadership of 科霍马社区学院 after performing in numerous administrative 以及教育职位.  在他职业生涯的早期,他曾担任大学数学教授 instructor, head college baseball coach, and as an assistant college football coach. In the K-12 educational realm, he was employed by Quitman County Schools as a principal 以及教育总监. 最近一次是在回到科荷马社区之前 大学期间,他担任德索托县学校的学生服务主任.

Val graduated from 科霍马社区学院 with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. 他还毕业于奥尔康州立大学,获得理学学士学位 数学学士学位,教育学硕士学位,数学硕士学位 行政管理学历. 此外,瓦尔还获得了神学硕士学位 来自新泽西州普林斯顿的普林斯顿神学院他被授予了 他是密西西比大学教育领导哲学博士. 


  • 为im体育部增加了超过1万平方英尺的教学空间
  • 彻底改造了所有的运动设施.
  • Secured funds for an extensive campus wide signage project and installed digital board 所有运动区域的标志.
  • Implemented a campus wide beautification project that involves landscaping and building upgrades.
  • 建造龙卷风掩体(安全屋)
  • 为主校区建设了安全围栏
  • 建设新的学术学生服务中心
  • Led institution-wide strategic planning processes that resulted in a revised 5 year “成长、发现、卓越”战略.
  • 领导学院成功完成年中(5年)认证过程
  • 运用实证市场数据和定量方法重新设计外展计划 是什么导致夜校、在线和双轨制课程的im体育人数创纪录地增长 enrollment.
  • Revitalized the 科霍马社区学院 Foundation Board for the college by holding 季度会议和召集新的董事会成员.
  • Created a Presidential Advisory Board Group that includes a representative from each 我们区县每季度召开一次会议
  • 为所有员工设计并实施基于同行的反馈评估流程 称为CCC360反馈
  • 创建了一个早期大学高中咨询小组
  • 创建招聘/保留团队
  • 重新设计财务援助办公室以提高效率,将SAP流程转移到 财政援助办公室
  • 重组im体育办公室,以提高效率和拓展
  • Created partnership with local sheriff in order to increase efficiency, increase safety 通过组建一个部门来集中资源.
  • 创建了由教职员工组成的机构响应小组来识别 与大学有关的问题,并制定解决消极问题的策略.
  • Implemented Marketing and Branding projects which increased activity on social media 例如:Facebook、Twitter、Instagram等.),将互联网的容量减半 学校社交媒体账户的流量
  • Completely redesigned the website for the college and added a comprehensive separate 链接到学院的许多部门.
  • 创建保留/招聘团队,每两周开会一次.


  • 促进了荣誉学院项目最广泛设计的启动 在科霍马社区学院的历史上.
  • 促进职业技术教育(CTE)课程的广泛重新设计 launched initiative to restore all designated areas of CTE facilities that had been 被遗弃了几十年.
  • 直接学术活动的支出增加了100%.
  • 创建了一所大学早期高中
  • 为8-12岁的男孩和女孩设计并实施了第一个STEM夏令营.
  • Implemented MI-BEST with pathways to all Career /技术教育s with the exception 理发、美容和育儿技术.
  • 增加了理发师/造型师和汽车技术的晚间节目.
  • 提高了职业技术教育部门的学生出勤率和保留率 强制性保留研讨会.
  • 实施商用卡车潜水,柴油设备技术,柴油设备, Electrical Technology, CISCO /Apple Coding and Early Childhood Academy as short-term programs.
  • 商用卡车驾驶一级毕业,并获得CDL证书.
  • Expanded membership with Phi Theta Kappa and created induction classes each semester.
  • 扩大了服务区域的GED培训站点数量.


  • 在Towner任期内,州政府收入减少了10%以上,预算支出 是否与收入预算减少相关.
  • 建立并保持了较强的资金结余.
  • Reduced budget expenditures and issued over 10% pay increase to all staff (not funded by the state).
  • 审计以下减少支出:所有电话线(手机和陆地),传真 线条,复印机和打印机.
  • Implemented comprehensive and ongoing Inventory Audit program for all college inventory.
  • 尼桑、丰田和制药行业每年都捐赠大量资金 到职业和技术项目.
  • Completely redesigned evening class program, dual enrollment and online course offerings 确保财务偿付能力
  • 从校友和朋友那里获得创纪录的外部资金
  • Stabilized chronic enrollment decline and implemented strategies to have consistent enrollment growth each semester (frequently leads MACJC in enrollment growth by percentage 每学期).
  • Positioned the college as a regional leader in providing services to GED participants, dis-located workers and workforce training services for business and industry through MIBest, SNAP计划和职业道路实施.
  • Added several new majors and courses to the division of academics and Career Technical Education.
  • 每年都被评为美国最安全的五所学校.
  • 实践护理课程再次获得认证(第一次获得认证) deficiencies).
  • 护理项目在密西西比州的项目中一直名列前五.
  • 从非认证到呼吸护理项目的全面认证. 
  • 多导睡眠图(新技术项目)已满
  • 护理副学士(首次获得全面认证).
  • 护理人员(最近再次确认资格).
  • 增加田径运动.
  • 成功取得全国校友会501-3C资格(首次).
  • 与科荷马机遇公司合作,重新开放校园日托中心.
  • 创建活动/驱动以获得资金(例如:年度晚会,1949年基金会驱动, 班级返校竞赛活动).
  • Increased the percentage of Career Technical Instructors who received NCCER Certification.
  • 烹饪艺术一直在密西西比州的10所烹饪学校中名列前茅
  • 创建员工和学生每月焦点
  • 创造了本月的教职员工获奖者.
  • MS-CPAS职业技术项目通过率提高18%.
  • Increased the number of students/participants who received General Education Diplomas 及职业准备证书.
  • Partnered with local non-profit organization to secure a federal communication license 还在校园里开了一家广播电台 
  • Secured nearly ten partnerships for educational programs with The Delta Health Grant
  • 与RUS Grant建立了近12个合作关系
  • Designed an education program through a sub-grant with the University of Mississippi 医疗中心.
  • Implemented an annual Presidential Leadership camp for area high school students through USAA.
  • 推出试点混合课程.
  • Developed remediation and retention initiatives geared specifically to females through 从妇女基金会奖助金获得的资金.
  • 为通识专业推出周六课程计划.
  • 实施帆布横幅活动.
  • 增加了品牌/传播部门的人员.
  • 社交媒体场所的参与度达到历史最高水平.
  • 开办了一个新的广播电台.
  • 对学校网站进行全面改造


由Alpha Phi Alpha认可

Outstanding contributions to the higher education community (Epsilon Xi Lambda Chapter)

Recognized by Coahoma and Mississippi Chapters of NAACP Exemplary leadership to higher 教育问题

Citizen of the Year for Leflore County – specifically recognized for church and higher 密西西比州格林伍德


《im体育》杂志的年度人物 to higher education Featured, Delta Council Publication as a higher education official


Featured, Clarksdale Press Register Annual Profile as a positive contributor to Coahoma 县特色,三角洲商业杂志


Delegate to Chinese Bridge Delegation; Hanban

China’s Office of Chinese Language Council International Partnership with the College Board

Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools National Council of State 语文主管

National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages and Chinese Consulates 在美国

Speaker, Rasberry Men’s Club, Indianola, MS “The situation is serious – Man Up through 教育及职业培训”

Speaker, 100 Black Men, Greenville, MS “Abating a Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Mindset 做好准备”

Speaker, Progressive Art and Civic Club – Lizzie Coleman Day, Greenville, MS “Honoring 那些为K-12学生上大学铺平道路的人。”

Presenter, Common Core Institute “Creating a Clear Pathway from High School to College” 主持人,全国扫盲专业发展联盟“五大威胁” HBCU’s” Lecturer, Upward Bound Group for CCC “Extend Your Horizon with Education and Character”


Education Day Georgetown College “ Whatever it takes-Preparing your Mind through Education”


奥尔康州立大学校友冬至会议“克服重重困难——重访…… Alcorn故事”


Annual Lecture, Teach for America Summer Institute Training Sessions “The Right Stuff 也可能来自密西西比三角洲地区的学生。”

年度演讲嘉宾,早期识字和技术会议“带出最好的” 通过科技培养学生


植树节/创始人日庆祝活动“1949年的实验-教育最不重要的 仍然是im体育




密西西比社区学院领导学院"作为一种教育 21世纪的领导者”


Master's Level Educational Leadership “Exemplary leadership through the lens of Kouzes 以及密西西比大学的波斯纳



伊利诺伊州橡树公园第一浸信会与橡树公园/河合作 森林高中


Minority First Year Students “Making the Most of your educational opportunities” Mississippi 女子大学

专业发展领袖“Kingonomics与教育Z世代学生” 温斯顿县-路易斯维尔公立学校

Presenter, Southern Association for Community College Research “360 Feedback Approach” 董事会成员,SACSCOC



Member, Mississippi Association of Educators Charter Member of Africa’s Promise Village

克拉克斯代尔/科霍马商会成员,克拉克斯代尔卡内基图书馆成员 Board

Board Member, Northwest Regional 医疗中心 – Clarksdale, MS Chair, Moody Institute 信托基金委员会


密西西比社区学院南部地区校长协会成员 大学理事会-咨询委员会成员 克拉克斯代尔/科霍马县商会及工业基金会克拉克斯代尔扶轮社, 交流俱乐部,狮子会

Member, Association of American Colleges and Universities Member, National Association 教育机会均等协会会员,密西西比州教育工作者协会会员

白宫历史黑人大学倡议的顾问成员 和STEM领域的大学

美国社区学院协会会员,南方社区学院协会会员 制度研究